How well you know about Foot Fetish?

How much do you know about foot fetish? Personally not that much, but I imagine that if a foot fetishist had to meet Bigfoot he will directly fall in love. Since ignorance is not good, I decided that the best thing to do was to ask someone who really knew about this topic. And who […]

The importance of touching the balls

Long beards, uncultured, careless and with food residues all over the clothes. Although it seems, it is not the description of your son after a week of party in Ibiza, but of a hipster. In recent years we have seen them multiply more than any STD, there are even men who by the simple fact […]

Alone or accompanied, squirting makes you happy

Photo © Maxi Kohan Some know her as Anahí, others as Cinnamon, the rest as the one of the sex workshops where instead of the shitty presentation in PowerPoint there can be a person jerking or fingering. Sex educator for adults, Anahí Canela is dedicated to divulge sexual diversity and help people to discover their […]