Sant Jordi just around the corner and you still do not know which book to buy? And you come to the blog of a dating house to inspire you? Oh fuck! What you want is a list of books with high erotic content! You will have it and, quiet, you will not find any trace of fifty shades of shit. Instead, Apricots University offers a tour of the most iconic books in the history of erotic literature.
Lysistrata can be considered as one of the first writings of erotic literature, if we leave aside the myths where Zeus transforms into a bull to fuck Europe, or in golden rain to leave pregnant Danae, or even in eagle to try gay sex with the shepherd Ganimedes. Oh, Zeus! A majestic God of Olympus!
But let’s go back to the text of Aristophanes, which although it does not give for straw, it does give to think. In a city destroyed by civil war, Lysistrata convinces all women to lock themselves in the Acropolis and declare a sexual strike. Will the men leave the war when they have the eggs ready to explode?
It is considered the oldest pornographic book. There are 15 dialogues between escorts of the time. Perhaps the most interesting dialogue is that of Leena and Clonarion. Why? Because it is the first time that the word “lesbian” is used to refer to a homosexual woman.
– Leena , we heard news about you, that Megila, the wealthy of Lesbos, is in love with you as a man and that you live together doing what I do not know what. […]
– It’s true, Clonarion, and I’m ashamed, it’s a strange thing. […] The woman is terribly manly.
– I do not understand what you say, unless she is a lesbian. They say that in Lesbos the women who are like that call them virile, who do not want to do that with men and who approach women as men.
Much has been written about this book, what you did not know, perhaps, is that it has almost as many years as the New Testament of the Bible. After reading it (the Kama Sutra, not the Bible) i have noticed that there is no category of PornHub , the Indians had already cataloged all of them. No wonder, if I had a harem I would also be very creative.

Among the stories that Scheherazade told the sultan, there were some with an so high erotic charge that it could be the script of a scene from Cumlouder. Do you remember the magic carpet? Because Omar did not use it to take his beloved to the pyramids of Egypt, as in Disney’s Aladdin, but he hid in the clouds to spy on the naked princess in his room.
… witnessed, ecstatic, as she ran with her delicate hands her proud breasts (…) Then they slid down her spherical buttocks and finally stopped at the top of her legs over the triangle of silky curly hair.
Ten young people take refuge in a villa on the outskirts of Florence to protect yourself from the plague. And what do they do to pass the time? Tell yourself erotic stories. Not more or less than a hundred. One hundred stories full of monks, nuns, nobles, knights and maidens who have a common bond: they are more horny than Sharapova’s ballboy. My favorite story is, perhaps, the convent of nuns who hires a young gardener for being deaf and dumb. And you will ask, why do they hire him if he is deaf and dumb? Well, because later she will not be able to reveal how many nuns have fucked her.
Do you know that it was one of the few books that Don Quixote saved from the stake? He saved it because it did not look like the other cavalry books of the time. Here the erotic scenes are presented in great detail. The result is a perfect material for a medieval masturbation, but also for contemporary one: I recognize having touched me after reading how Plaerdemavida helps Carmesina to fuck Tirant Lo Blanch.
This manuscript is considered the best of the extensive work of the greatest pervert in history: the Marquis de Sade. He wrote it during his imprisonment in the prison of the Bastille. The book narrates the depravity of four wealthy and extremely libertine men: an aristocrat, an ecclesiastic, a banker and a judge (representatives of the four powers of France). These are enclosed in a castle with 42 young people of both sexes who will force to fulfill 600 types of pleasure, ranging from the sodomy to necrophilia. Very instructive and entertaining, but do not try it at home, or with the presence of an adult.
The protagonist of this story tells how he falls in love with a woman and extorts her to get treated as his slave. And he gets it! The woman catches the taste of being dominated and only leaves the protagonist when he finds another man for whom he would like to be dominated.
Now read the author’s last name again. Sacher-Masoch … Masoch … Masochist! Exact! The term masochism was born with this book.
Pain has a strange charm for me, and nothing lights more my passion that tyranny, cruelty and, above all, the infidelity of a beautiful woman.
When I hear “erotic literature” comes to mind Lolita, a work that portrayed the thorny issue of the relationship between a young girl and a mature man, obsessed by the ninfetas (sexually desirable girls between 9 and 14 years old). Come on, that speaks of pedophilia from the head of a pedophile, a scandal and, even so, is considered by many critics as a masterpiece of contemporary universal literature and a modern classic.
Valérie explains to us in her diary, her experience as a high-class companion or her relationship with an abuser. The author wants to radically question the moral criteria that are imposed on erotic relationships. From the biographical experience, he explains sexuality as a form of self-knowledge and reflects on the human condition. And this for you to see that sex is not a simple mete-saca, through sex you can discover yourself. Do you want to discover yourself? Call us.
If you decide to buy one of the 10 books that I have highlighted in the world erotic literature, I recommend that you also buy a book point for straw breaks and you wrap the books so that the pages do not stick to you. It’s something we learned that we shared porn magazines with friends. How good it is to be older and have experience!
Remember that the Apricots girls like so much reading! So if you want to seduce them, give them a book for Sant Jordi , accompanied with € 120, of course.
And if you have been wanting to know more about erotic literature or you have not convinced any book on the list, we leave you with this timeline that we have created for you, lover of books and the obscene.