The second installment of Behind the Obscene arrives, the section dedicated to interviews with company girls. If the previous time it was the turn of Meritxell , today it’s the turn of Carmina, a Very nice Mexican girl who did not have any problem in being interviewed.
Carmina received me at the local of Còrsega very excited for the interview, or that it was me Ana Pastor. She wore a very sophisticated striped dress, some ballerinas, her hair pulled back and no makeup. To compensate for her sober look Sofia was with an another girl who wanted to attend our meeting because “I’m excited,” she said, wearing a set of electric blue lingerie that left no room for imagination, but a good cold. So the three of us went to room number 4, we sat on the bed and started with the questions:
Tell us a little about yourself, starting with your provenance. Where are you from? Tijuana, Mexico.
How long have you been in Spain and how much on Apricots? 9 months in Spain and about 7 in Apricots.
Why did you come to Spain? First I came to study, and after two months of being here I started working as a company girl.
And with your studies what happened, are you still enrolled or not anymore? The course is over and now we have to wait for the official title.
What were you studying? Travel journalism.

Escort with an university degree Carmina @Apricots
From journalism to escort service. What made you change your career so radically? A little out of curiosity and morbid, a little bit for the money, and thus be able to pay the tuition fees of the university. In my country I had a friend who started doing escort services and in the end I decided to try it by myself. When I came to Spain I searched on Internet and found an agency, where I stayed for a week. There, they told me about Apricots, and here I am. Over time you realize that this is a job, like going to an office. What happens is that after you get used to winning certain amounts of money …
I understand that it’s because of the money you stay here. Is it really easy money? Well yes, but also because if the client asks for a service that you do not give, you are not obligated to go with it, this makes it much easier for you. What happens is that sometimes there is no feeling between you and the person and here it becomes harder. Also you have to know that not all services are for fucking.
With what kind of men does the situation become more difficult, with elders, young people or age does it matter? No that does not matter. Maybe it happens more with the young people, who came drunk. Older people come more for love, to vent, to talk, or because they feel lonely. For example, one of the most complicated situations is when a client asks you to fuck without a condom; but I will never do that at work. Other cases are less uncomfortable, like the men who come just to tell friends, and others to take use you until the last minute …
Good but in an hour, how many times can you “repeat”? In an hour there are usually two relationships, but sometimes it stays in one. Many times, after cumming, what you want is a massage instead of a second time, or even talking for a while …
And what are you talking about? First I ask where they are from, and then what they do, what they work … and if they are tourists it is even easier because you talk about Barcelona, ask them if they have visited such a place, if they went to this restaurant. And then it’s them who start asking you questions …
Do you get to enjoy with your customers? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. Then I have to pretend, as we often do all women. I have been with handsome clients but they were unbearable. For example, once came two very handsome guys who wanted to be with me at the same time, for 45 minutes, paying only half an hour and also as if they were one person. There was no way for them to understand that this service is paid double. In the end, they also took another girl, but as they had been stung by how the thing had gone, they got very aggressive and kept telling us that we are slut and other bad things. In that case I had a bad time and all I wanted was for the time to end and never see them again. In general, my joy has nothing to do with his physical appearance, maybe he is not so graceful but he is a good client, because he is polite and calm, then I relax and enjoy …
What about your sexual relationships in your private life? Just the other day Sofia told me that one day we would get tired of having so much sex. But I don’t think so, because if you like someone, you disconnect from your work and the only thing you have left is to enjoy that person. So in my personal life I still enjoy sex.
What do you like most about being a company girl? And what less? Here at Apricots, I like the fact that I earn a good money, and that there is a good atmosphere and a lot of camaraderie among the girls. There is also flexibility for many things and they do not force you to do something you do not want. They also take care of you when you go out, they know where you are going and with whom, that gives you a lot of peace of mind. What I like the least, is that sometimes when all we work at the same time, there is a lot of scandal and noise. The thing is that we do not have the same schedule, you may be resting and the others may wake you up after having finished a service. We could define them “henhouse problems”, which is the same thing that happens when you share a flat with other people, but it is not something that represents a real problem. And what I like least about the profession of escort are impolite clients, those who believe that in an hour they can ask for all the services they want without paying for them, or that they treat you in a disrespectful way because they forget that first of all we are Human.
What advice would you give to those who want to follow your path? Remind her that this work is not eternal, that there are seasons better than others and that customers also get tired of always seeing the same faces. So even if you think you make easy money, you have to use your head and be smart when it comes to managing your money, you have to be careful with your expenses and be able to see beyond this work. It would not make sense to work hard for many years to keep anything. Another thing I would advise is that to never do something that you do not want to do.
To the question “Do you have any funny anecdote to tell us?” , as Carmina did not have any, Sofia took over: “Once a client asked me to dance for him, the funny thing is that he started dancing with me, even imitating my movements and gestures. It was as if he wanted to look like me. In the end it was him to dance for me, in fact it looked more like a dance class than an escort service. And of course, there was no sex. “
It was just to finish answering that the manager called Sofia because a client asked about her. “Put something on, you’re going to catch cold,” I said! Sofia laughed and said goodbye telling me “Now I’m going to warm up well, do not worry”. And so I continued my interview with Carmina:
Does it bother you if they call you a bitch? It depends on the context in which they tell me. For example, if they tell you with the desire to bother, it is obvious that I do not like it, or also when a client tells you that because he is paying you , he has the right to treat you as he likes. But, in general, it does not bother me. In addition, between us we tell it even during normal sex “You are a little whore” and nothing happens, we laugh and that’s it.
What do you think of street prostitution? Starting from the fact that everyone can do what they want with their life, and that you are not a better person because you work with agency. For me street prostitution is very risky and even dangerous. But if I see it as badly morally? of course not. It’s more of a safety issue, and we know that the street is not the quietest place in the world.

Being able to go back, would you follow the same path? If not, why? Maybe not, but above all because it is heavy, in the sense that you sleep little, you eat badly and in general the rhythms of life are not balanced. At the same time I would do it again, because there are many good things that have happened to me thanks to this profession and that they would not have happened doing something else. What I have clear is that I would not like to dedicate myself to this for a long time, I prefer to see it as something transitory. But I regret nothing because I have really lived things that have been worthwhile.
Imagine that when you arrived from Mexico you had on the one hand a normal job offer, let’s call it like that, and on the other the possibility of being a company girl, which we have already said is a very hard and risky job, although it allows you to earn much more than any other job. If you had to choose between one option or another, what would be your choice? If it were a normal job, it would have to be something that I like very much, even if I won a quarter of what I earn as an escort.
And what would that job be? Since you have studied travel journalism, would you like to be a reporter or do something related to your studies? I would like more to be a scriptwriter of television programs.
Have you ever tried it? In my country I did it and although they paid me very badly, it was very fun and I had a good time. Here, in Spain, I never started looking for a scriptwriter job.
Do you have a partner? If not, would you dare to tell him what you do? I do not have a partner so I do not have to say anything. And if I had, maybe I would tell him, but I would have to find the most appropriate time to tell him something like that. I do not think any man is willing to accept that you go with other men, and above for money.
Speaking of money, is there something you would never do for money? There are things that I do charge an extra but sometimes when they come with the arrogance of “I have the money and I do with you whatever I want” then NO. I would never accept the humiliation for money. Not having sex without a condom, or other things that could put my health at risk.
This was my last question. I kept my notebook and stayed for a while to chat with her, both very comfortable lying on the bed. Carmina did not stop smiling and the feeling she left me was that of being a person with her head on her shoulders and able to see the positive side of things at every moment. Something that, unfortunately, most people forget to do. Thank you Carmina for reminding me how important it is to smile at life, always.