How many times have we said that men go to brothels? Many and we will never get tired because it is the truth, and the truths often hurt more than an anal penetration without lubricant. We also try to explain the reason of this trend that implies to men of all races, religions, ages, social status, cultural level and size of the penis.
But today we will talk about loving bears, well that’s what I would like, but as my boss will not let me have to talk about the romantic spirit of the whores. Who said that romanticism had died, can change his mind because for our whores is still preserved, in fact some have started new romantic currents that even Victor Hugo feel next to them as a poor asshole. The comments they leave on our website are a clear demonstration of this feeling. I know it is very complicated to believe it, but also men who pay for sexual services have feelings and emotions, in addition to the € 110.
We publish the comments as they are on our page. You will find faults and mistakes that will often make you want to tear your eyes, but if you manage to go through the lining everything you have learned in school, you will be able to appreciate and enjoy these captivating declarations of love:
Propaganda Romanticism:
You can find sweet girls, gorgeous girls, very sexy girls … And in a separate category, she is a force of nature unleashed, it is an F6, it is the earthquake that will separate California from America. Sun with his eyes, makes the moon pale with his body and Doomsday killed Superman, poor Doomsday if he knows her Wonder Woman still alive and lives in Barcelona, the mankind will be saved, in Kim we trust!
Compulsive romanticism:
Veronica I’m Carlos, and this is for you, I do not know a bigger and more affectionate wonder in this world, since I met you I have you in mind and think about you all the hours, minutes and secondes. All the moments that I spend with you were unforgettable I kiss you everywhere muah I will never forget you.
Evangelical Romanticism:
An hour of kisses, hugs, caresses, kindness and affection … I love your voice, the smell of your dark body, of your armpits; the touch of your back. Surely it is because of you that in the Gospel Jesus says that prostitutes entered the Kingdom of Heaven earlier than the great ones of this world. I do not know if you will remember me, but I remember you with tenderness.
Romanticism Dan Brown:
Once the gods of Olympus mingled with mortals. Some union gave as the sweetest and the most forbidden fruits, a perfect mix of angel and demon, sensual to die.
Ana-belénica romanticism:
Hello “ROMANTIC”. Tomorrow I have booked, the time that is missing is gonna to make me eternal. You ask me why, you know why, because you transport me to heaven in a rocket full of kisses, tenderness (that splurges of love, how much madness), of delivery, of complicity. In short, there is a lot of feeling between us. Tomorrow is going to be a wonderful day. Mig kiss my love.

Geographical romanticism:
Your ass comes from heaven.
Romanticism recovered:
Fuck Jose, you say nonsense: -that you did not like but you repeated. -What he wants is to finish fast but then he says he ran twice. I love it, I’ve had some great sessions and kisses.
Preferential romanticism:
I love them all, but you more
Romanticism rigid mortis:
The Venezuelan tigress exists, is apricots !! Is able to wake up a dead … !!
Photovoltaic Romanticism:
She is the sweet Brazilian beauty who deserves a sixth star, always warm, always passionate, always perfect. A ray of hope in the darkest night, the light that bathes you in the brightest day .
Indignant romanticism:
I am very angry, you have been rated five stars, when in reality you are the whole sky.
Primordial Romanticism:
Well I had a great time, I do not know, I’m not too demanding, I want a pretty girl to suck and fuck her, nothing more.
Laconic romanticism:
Kiero secso.
We love that there are still men like that, capable to make the heart of women vibrate with words that are so flattering and sincere. I was also lucky to receive some of these messages, in my case they were not so romantic (sad face). In fact, sometimes we are forced to delete them because they are offensive and uneducated, in addition to dirtying the page, who likes to receive gratuitous insults?