This Christmas has been unforgettable, I have experienced sensations that I had never imagined before. The Magi have literally brought me one of the greatest orgasms of my life. For the first time in my life, I have been able to enjoy double penetration. Do you want me to tell you my experience?
On January 5 I went to see the parade of kings with a friend. As I live in a town on the outskirts of Barcelona, when their majesties finish their journey, boys and those who are not so young can go up to look for candy. It was my turn to visit Gaspar, the blond king, I sat on his knees to have a picture taken, and little by little I noticed how something was getting hard under my ass.
The king told me that this year she had been a very bad girl and that she wanted to see me in private, in short, I will not tell you everything we said, but in the end I stayed with Gaspar and Baltasar in my house. Melchor I can’t come because I had to finish handing out a toy.
No need to detail what we did, because you can imagine, fuck until we could not more. It was not my first trio, but my first experience with a double penetration, and the truth that I would like to repeat.
Now that I have had the opportunity to realize one of my greatest fantasies, I would like to tell you some tips so that you can enjoy double penetration without suffering.
Tips when double penetration:
Experience alone at home:
If you have never practiced double penetration, my first advice so that you can enjoy without pain is that you previously experience yourself with anal sex toys, or with the introduction of your own fingers through the anus. This way you will be more prepared.
Try masturbating vaginally and anally at the same time:
Double penetration is a practice that can excite and give a lot of pleasure to some people but can also be very painful for others. That is why I think it is very important to have sex toys introduced through the vagina and anus at the same time.
The positions that are best for me when I masturbate with my toys by the vagina and the culete are when I’m on my side or with the position of the dog, come on all fours. Surely more than one could teach me some new position to be able to stimulate me anally and vaginally at the same time.
The positions that are best for me when I masturbate with my toys by the vagina and the ass are when I am on my side or with the position of the dog, come on all fours. Surely more than one could teach me some new position to be able to stimulate me anally and vaginally at the same time.
Lubricates the anal area well:
As I have commented on more than one occasion, the lubricant for anal sex is essential, it will make the penetration always more satisfactory.
Take it easy:
The practice of double penetration is not for a here I catch you, here I kill you. It is best to heat the environment, stimulate beforehand, play for a little while and get wet. Forget about fast sex and take it easy, preparation is key to a positive double penetration experience.
Often, double penetration is a taboo sexual act, it is a practice that if carried out surely you are not telling everyone. Maybe you drop a comment in your circle of friends to boast a little, but surely you do not publish it on your social networks, because if you have your mother as a friend I could find out.
According to statistics from the world’s largest porn site, PornHub, the audience of everything anal has increased in recent years, even decades, by 120% in the United States, and 78% worldwide.
Last month, Pornhub published the statistics of its portal and for me they were a pleasant surprise, the 4th category that women are most looking for is that of threesomes, and they watch 89% more videos of double penetration than men. I love!

As I have seen that the double penetration arouses the curiosity of many, I wanted to deepen a little more on the subject.
Types of Double Penetration
Double penetration can be practiced in both men and women. Contemplate several scenarios, for example, you can choose the DP in two separate holes or in the same hole.

As I said before, you can practice double penetration alone at home with erotic toys, your own fingers, etc.

Couple plus sex toy:
There are couples who do not want to invite a third person in their relationships, and it seems perfect, but they can also enjoy a double penetration, your partner penetrates you through a hole and you use a toy for the other, which is also very pleasant.
Until my first experience making a sandwich with two men, I had experienced a very pleasant double penetration, I introduced a dildo through the culete, I got on all fours and my partner put it in my pussy and with his shoves made the dildo make me It will penetrate deeper. I recommend it 100%! You already tell me your experience in the comments at the end of the post.

Trio HMH (Man Woman Man):
Surely you will have seen many videos of double penetration in which the two men penetrate a woman at the same time, but one thing is to see how they practice it in an adult movie video, and another very different thing is to do it in real life.
From my experience I can tell you that being with two men at the same time can be very pleasant but it is not easy, finding a comfortable position for all three is a bit complicated.
But first I want to recommend that you first get it through the vagina until you are very wet, and later by the culete, in this way you will be more dilated and excited and it will be easier for you to put two cocks at once. Having an orgasm before can help relax the pelvic and anal muscles, making penetration even easier.

Trio MHM (Woman Man Woman):
If you want to be with a boy and a girl at the same time you can also practice double penetration: the girl can use a harness. This variation has not yet had the pleasure of experiencing it, but it has to be super exciting. Can anyone tell me your experience?
As you have seen, there are many options to practice and enjoy double penetration. Some of my friends comment that the mouth also counts as penetration, the truth is that it is also accepted. Imagine being with three men at once, would we talk about triple penetration?
There are multiple variants of double penetration, but this is a big word, for very daring people:
Double Vaginal: It consists of a double penetration but only through the vagina. This practice is no longer with me.
Double anal: It would be the same as the double vaginal but through the anus. Here you need a lot of lubrication and be well excited.
Spit roast: It is a sexual activity that involves 3 people, two active men and one passive (male or female). Man 1 penetrates person 2 from behind (anal or vaginal) while sucking the penis of person 3.
Tripel fill: It would be the simultaneous realization of a double penetration with fellatio.
DVDA: This term gained popularity by appearing in the movie Orgazmo, from the creators of South Park, and refers to the simultaneous penetration of a woman, anal (2 penises) and vaginally (2 penises). I think I could not.
In the end, many of us like to open our minds to new sexual practices, experience intense sensations and double penetration allows us, but if we don’t try it we will never know if we like it or not.
If you want to try double penetration and your partner is not willing, you can go to exchange places to see if you find someone willing or otherwise, you can always go to visit my Apricots friends together with a friend.
The fear is in if you try it and you can’t stop practicing it